Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Triplet Pregnancy and Birthday - Part 1

For many years, Mike and I weren't sure if we'd have more children.  About the time Brad started high school, we decided we really wanted more kids and if we were so blessed I would be able to stay home with the child(ren).  Well it took awhile, but after 3 1/2 years we were successful.  On August 17-19 I was in Tempe, Arizona, dropping Brad off for his freshman year at Arizona State University.  On August 20, 2005, back in Illinois, I took a pregnancy test, and it was positive - finally!  Even though you are wishing and praying every month, it is a HUGE shock when you finally have a positive test result. 

Mo, Brad, Grandma (Diane) and Mike, May 1997
M.A. Graduation at Governor's State University

We didn't announce anything until weeks later.  On September 12, 2005 we went to the doctor for an ultrasound, the pregnancy was about 7 weeks along.  The ultrasound  technician calmly told us that there was more than one baby!  I was thrilled, Mike almost fainted!  I just remember looking up and saying, "Thank you, God."  I prayed so hard throughout the pregnancy that they would be born with strong hearts, lungs and brains! 

We called Brad first.  He was extremely happy and speechless!  He later told me he walked across the dormitory hall in a daze and told his friends, who were totally surprised too - who gets their first sibling while in college?  Next, we visited my mom, Diane, and brother, Pat.  Before we could say anything my mom handed me a list of baby names, she knew we were hoping for a baby.  Mike said, "Why don't you pick out 3?"  She was very confused until we showed her the ultrasound picture - I'm pretty sure she cried!  After this, we drove to Evergreen Park to see Mike's Mom, Barb.  Mike's sister, Debbie, was there too.  Shock all around!  Besides telling immediate family, we waited until about 12 weeks to tell everyone else - I felt like I was starting to show.  Here's a picture of me at 36 weeks, the night before the babies were born (Title:  Just Huge!)

I stopped teaching at 21 weeks.  I was just so exhausted, even after getting a good night's sleep.  At 29+ weeks, contractions were detected.  I was hospitalized for a few days and hooked up to a terbutaline pump, a medication that intermittantly pumps "anti-contraction" medication intraveneously into my leg.  I also had to monitor my contractions twice a day.  This was a really hard time for me.  I remember crying on the phone with my friend, Kim, about it.  I was afraid I wouldn't carry the babies to a healthy weight or they would be born with complications.  It was strange to be hooked up to a tube of medicine, a slave to the bed - bedrest gets old after a week, you don't enjoy things you thought you'd enjoy doing while on bedrest! - and stuck inside every day, unless it was a doctor appointment day.  Each day was a hurdle. 

At 32 weeks I was hospitalized again for 6 days.  This time, my liver enzymes were erratic and they were concerned for my health.  After the enzymes stabilized, I was sent home again.  I spent 2 weeks at my mother in law's house (close to the hospital and our house was under renovation), then another 2 weeks at home before the big day.  Brad was on his way home for the babies' birthday.  We had made it to 36 weeks and could hardly wait to meet the kids!   

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